Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 96 |
Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities
To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE
To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION
We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident
When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people
Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 96 |
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 96 |
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Did they enjoy today?
Hannah : "Hi! Did you enjoy the trip today? Didi you like the palace?
Flo : "Yes, I did. It was great."
Tom : "Yes, I`ll write about the palace for my history homework."
Hannah : "Good idea, Tom. Here are four tickets for the amusement park tomorrow."
--------- : "Maria, how about you? What did you do today?"
Maria : "I went to the palace, and the museum was really interesting."
--------- : "Hi, Felipe. We`re planning tomorrow now. What will you do at the amusement park?"
Felipe : "I think I`ll go on the water slide first."
Tom : "Yeah, me too!"
Pict. Ody Book p.21 |
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 84 |
Picture : Our Discovery Island p.21 |
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 84 |
Felipe : "Tom, it`s dinnertime."
Tom : "Good, I`m really hungry!
--------- "This afternoon I wanted an omelet, but there weren`t any eggs. Hannah used them at lunchtime!"
--------- "Then I wanted some spaghetti. But the birds were eating it in front of the tent!"
--------- "I made some noodles but then I dropped them on the grass!"
Felipe : "Don`t worry, I cooked a big stew for dinner. Come on. Let`s go."
Tom : "Yum! Thanks."
Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 74 |
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