Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities


To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE


To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION


We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident


When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people


Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Lost Spaceship

space, angkasa, ruang angkasa
My students nice to meet you again. I hope you all are alright. Unit 6 - Reading telah membahas Arts and Entertainment. Reading dengan terkhusus membahas Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Mr juga sudah sertakan soal latihannya secara online. Right, kita tinggalkan unit 6, now we are going to Unit 7;  Space is our theme in the unit 7. Yap kita akan menjelajahi ruang angkasa pada bab ini, sebagaimana Mr sudah kasih kalian Sing A Song : Space yang tentunya sudah kalian nyanyikan, jika belum silahkan buka lagi.

OK class, Reading kita kali ini kita akan membaca pengalaman Connor. Langsung saja mari kita baca bareng-bareng sembari mendengar MP3-nya. Listen care fully then read loudly..!!!

The Lost Spaceship

1. One day in April last year, a spaceship landed in a field. It was only four o`clock in the morning, but the noise and the lights woke Jake up. He looked out of his bedroom window.

2. There was a strange object, like a round spaceship, in the field behind his house. A door opened at the bottom of the spaceship, and some strange people started walking out into the field.

3. They had large heads and small bodies, and they were green. Jake watched with his mouth open. "Am I dreaming?" he said. "Who are those people? Where are they from? What language do they speak?" he wondered. This was more exciting than any dream.

4. He put on his jeans and a T-shirt, went downstairs, opened the front door, and ran to the spaceship. His mom and dad were in bed ...

OK class, I think you all understand what he is talking about. Jika belum paham bisa kalian ulang-ulang lagi. Bye.. Bye..

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Online Task : Diary of a Wimpy Kid

wimpy kid
Time to do some questions my students..!!! He..  Setelah kita membaca Reading teks seperti biasa Mr akan memberi kalian beberapa latihan soal online. Jika di Unit 5 kita telah membaca Our Vacations beserta Latihan Soal Online-nya, begitu juga untuk materi terbaru kita di Unit 6 yaitu Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Kalian sudah membaca dan memahaminya kan? Great...!! Jika kalian paham otomatis kalian mampu menjawab 10 pertanyaan di bawah ini. It`s easy, it`s multiple choices alias soal pilihan ganda.

OK class, are you ready to answer the questions? Don`t forget write your name, your number, and your class before you do it. Right, langsung aja, lets do these questions...!!!

How about your score? You get 100, 90, or 80? Wonderful....!!! Mr yakin nilai kalian semua sempurna. Seumpama kalian belum memahami materinya sehingga nilai kalian kurang dari KKM. So, please read again the material on Diary of a Wimpy Kid, then do the question again. Right, I think enough for today, success for you all and bye.. bye..

Friday, February 22, 2013

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

diary of a wimpy  kid,wimpy kid
Arts and entertainment itulah tema kita di Unit 6 ini. Jika sebelumnya di Unit 5 kita telah membahas Our Vacations beserta dengan Latihan Soal Online-nya, maka Reading kita kali ini terkait dengan seni, story, film, and alat-alat musik. Yes, that is about Arts and entertainment. Sebagaimana kalian ketahui di page 72 - 80 dalam buku Our Discovery Island membahas many arts and entertainment maka di Reading kita kali ini kita hanya akan fokus di sub tema story. Yah.. We will talk about pengalaman Krishan yang telah membaca sebuah buku dengan judul Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kalian baca sendiri ya..!!! Oiya, don`t forget di Unit 6 ini juga ada Sing A Song : Arts and entertainment.

Bagaimana serunya pengalaman Krishan, As usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!!

 Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I love this book. I read it every day last summer. It`s about a boy, Greg. Greg is a normal boy in middle school and he writes in a diary (he says it`s a “journal”) every day. Greg has a best friend, Rowley, and a mean little brother. 
I don`t think Greg is wimpy. He`s really brave and clever. There are some funny events. My favorite part is the story at Halloween. One day, Greg and Rowley argue and they aren`t friends anymore. Greg is friends with his neighbor for some time and doesn`t speak to Rowley. 

diary of a wimpy kid,wimpy kid
The ending is good, but I can`t tell you! The book was really funny and it made me laugh a lot. I loved the cartoon pictures in the book, too. I liked it because I`m in middle school too, and my best friend`s name is Greg. He`s like the Wimpy Kid
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 76) 

OK class, I think you all understand what he is talking about. Jika belum paham bisa kalian ulang-ulang lagi. If you have understood please do some questions in Online Task : Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Bye.. Bye..

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Online Task : Our Vacations

our vacation,vacation
How are you today my beloved students? Meet me Mr Nashrudin again, your English teacher. Ok, flashback in the last meeting ya?? Reading terbaru yang kita bahas di Unit 5 sudah kita pelajari, that is Our Vacations. Mr tahu betul kalau kalian semua sudah mempraktekkan membacanya. Is it right?Jika kalian sudah membacanya Mr yakin bisa menjawab 10 soal berikut. Are you ready to do these questions? Good...!! There are 10 TRUE and FALSE questions. It`s so simple, mudah sekali jika kalian sudah membaca Our Vacations.

OK, langsung aja, lets do these questions...!!! Don`t forget write your name, your class, and your number. Check this out...!!!

It`s simple kan??? Jika kalian Jika kalian belum Passed alias belum Lulus bisa kalian pelajari lagi materinya di Our Vacations. Ok class, I think that`s all, thanks a lot for your attention and your motivation. Good luck for you all.. Bye..Bye...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Our Vacations

How wonderful today, right?? Nice to meet you again my students. Reading time my students..!!! Unit 4 kita telah membaca materi Good days and Bad days dengan reading teks My Good Day yang telah disertai Latihan Soal Online-nya. Mr Nash yakin kalian sudah lulus / passed cara membacanya. Right, untuk unit 5 ini adalah temanya Trips alias tentang perjalanan. Mr yakin you semua sudah pernah melakukan sebuah perjalan yang sangat berkesan.

So, this time kita akan pergi ke 3 wonderful places. Wow... It`s so wonderful...!!! Right, langsung aja kita terbang ke 3 tempat itu. As usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!!    
A. Taj Mahal
taj mahal
Last year, I went to a city called Agra in India. I visited the Taj Mahal with my family. A man called Emperor Shah Jahan married a princess called Mumtaz Mahal. When she died he was very sad. He built the Taj Mahal for her. Twenty thousand workers used one thousand elephants and finished it in 1653. The tombs of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife are inside the Taj Mahal. I think the Taj Mahal is beautiful. 

 B. Fairy Chimneys
fairy chamneys
This summer, I went by bus to an ancient city in Turkey called Cappadocia. We stayed in a hotel in front of the Uchiar Castle. During the day, we visited a city that was inside the mountain. There are houses, restaurants, and hotels all inside the mountain. We then went in a hot-air balloon and saw the beautiful Fairy Chimneys. After that, we visited a famous Turkish bath. I can`t wait to visit Cappadocia again next year.  
C. Machu Picchu
machu pichu
Last year, I visited a city called Machu Picchu. It`s in the Andes mountains in Peru. Long ago, people called Incans lived in this ancient city. The city was lost in the mountains for hundreds of years. There are ruins of gardens, houses, and even palace. My favorite ruin is called the Intihuatana Stone. It was a big sundial at the top of big pyramid. There were often special celebrations around the Intihuatana Stone. Machu Picchu is a great place to visit!

(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 70-71) 

It`s so wonderful places, right? Siapa dari kalian yang ingin kesana? Mr yakin semua pingin kesana. Makanya belajar yang rajin.. He.. He.. OK class, I think that`s all for this meeting pastikan kalian sudah membaca sambil mendengar MP3-nya, jika belum lancar silahkan di-play berulang-ulang ya..!! Right, untuk mengetahui kalian paham atau belum silahkan coba latihan soalnya di Online Task : Our Vacations

Untuk selingan ada lagunya lho di Unit 5 ini silahkan Sing A Song : Trips. See you in the next meeting class...!!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Good Day

good day
I`m coming...!!! How so sweet this time. Mr Nash coming again. Saatnya kita Membaca alias Reading Time. Our Homes itulah topik kita di Unit 3, Mr juga sudah beri latihan soal online-nya. I`m sure you all can do that. Right, leave and remember that topic, but right now, we are going to talk about Good Days and Bad Days. Yap, itulah tema kita pada Reading kita kali ini tentang "Hari Baik & Hari Buruk". That`s only theme, itu hanya tema guys..!!! Tidak ada yang namanya hari buruk, hla trus??? Eng.. Ing.. Eng.. Maksudnya kita akan membicarakan tentang pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan pengalaman yang tak menyenangkan. It`s so interesting, right??? 

Untuk lebih jelasnya as usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!! 

My Good Day

1. One Saturday last May was a great day for me. I played the guitar in a school concert. I was scared. I didn`t want to play. Then I went on stage and I was OK. I really liked it! Now I want to be a rock star!

Jake, 12

2. My cousin`s wedding last year was wonderful. There were a lot of people-about a hundred! The food was great. There was some tasty fish and a tall cake. I didn`t want to wear a pink dress but it looked good on me. Now, pink is my favorite color!

Laura, 13

3. Last Friday was a really good day. After school, I went to the park with my friends and we played basketball. Then, a group of girls from another school joined us and we played together. It was fun!

Sandy, 12                                  
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 52)

Wow, those are nice experiences. Unforgettable events, right? Pengalaman Jake, Laura, dan Sandy yang tak pernah terlupakan bagi mereka bertiga. What about you? Bagaimana dengan kalian Mr yakin kalian juga punya pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, baik pengalaman yang baik atau pengalaman yang buruk. 

OK class, I think  that`s all for this time, Mr yakin kalian sudah lancar alias fluently membacanya and paham tentunya. Right, untuk mengetahui kalian paham atau belum silahkan coba latihan soalnya di Online Task : My Good Day. Ada juga lagunya lho...!!! Sing a Song; It will be more fun, jika kalian bisa menyanyikan lagunya di Sing a song : Good Days & Bad Days. See you...!!!

Online Task : My Good Day

good day, bad day
Satu materi Reading sudah kita bahas, that is My Good Day. Ada 3 pengalaman pribadi telah disampaikan, bad day atau good day. Bagaimana kalian sudah membaca dan mempelajarinya kan?? As usual Mr akan mengecek kalian sudah paham atau belum Mr Nash akan kasih kalian 10 latihan soal online. In this time soalnya dalam bentuk TRUE / FALSE.

Are you ready to do these questions? Good...!!! Ok, lets do these questions...!!! Don`t forget write your name, your class, and your number. Check this out...!!!

It`s simple right? Mudah sekali kan Mr yakin kalian bisa mengerjakan and betul semua. Jika kalian belum Passed alias Lulus bisa kalian pelajari lagi materinya di My Good Day. Ok class, I think that`s all, thanks a lot for your attention and your motivation. Good luck for you all.. Bye..Bye...

Friday, February 15, 2013

Online Task : Our Homes

cave home,rumah gua
It`s so wonderful my students...!!! Kita sudah membahas satu materi terbaru Reading  beberapa hari yang lalu. That is Our Homes I`m sure you have read it, right? Di rumah dengan membuka buku kalian on page 46-47. Bagaimana masih ingat kan? Right, untuk mengetahui kalian sudah paham dan masih ingat dengan materi itu Mr Nash akan memberi kalian 10 soal. Soal latihan ini berbeda dengan soal latihan pada Where does Alex live? yaitu dengan bentuk soal True and False questions, berbeda dengan online task kita kali ini. Multiple choice bentuk soalnya. Are you ready???

Ok, lets do these questions...!!! Don`t forget write your name, your class, and your number. Check this out...!!!
It`s simple right? Mudah sekali kan Mr yakin kalian bisa mengerjakan and betul semua. Jika kok kalian belum Passed alias Lulus bisa kalian pelajari lagi materinya di Our Homes. Ok class, I think that`s all, thanks a lot for your attention and your motivation. Good luck for you all.. Bye..Bye...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Online Task : Where does Alex live?

How happy you`re my students...!!! Reading time, kita sudah membahas satu materi Reading pada Unit 3 beberapa hari yang lalu. That is Where does Alex live? I`m sure you have understood, right? Bagaimana masih ingat kan? Baru juga dua hari. Right, untuk mengetahui kalian sudah paham dan masih ingat dengan materi itu Mr Nash akan memberi kalian 10 soal. There are 10 True and False questions. It`s so simple, kalian hanya memilih jawaban True (Benar) or False (Salah) terkait statement atau pernyataan yang muncul. Are you ready???

Ok, lets do these questions...!!! Don`t forget write your name, your class, and your number. Check this out...!!!

Karena ini sebagai latihan saja, Mr yakin kalian bisa mengerjakan and betul semua. Jika kok kalian belum Passed alias Lulus bisa kalian pelajari lagi materinya di Where does Alex live? Ok class, I think that`s all, thanks a lot for your attention and your motivation. Good luck for you all.. Bye..Bye...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Speaking : Space

space, saturnus, planet
My students nice to meet you again. I hope you all are alright. Unit 6 telah kita simak bersama sebuah percakapan alias Conversation about Arts and Entertainment. It`s different from the last Unit, in Unit 7 here kita akan menyimak percakapan antara; Felipe, and Maria. They are talking about Space. Let`s listen and pay attention this conversation together...!!!

Can you see Tom and Flo?
Maria : "Felipe, why did you bring a telescope?"
Felipe : "I like to watch the stars at night. It`s much easier in the country."
Maria  : "Wow! What`s that big red light?"
Felipe : "Let me see. Where is it?"
Maria  : "Here, It`s amazing. Maybe it`s spaceship."
Felipe : "It isn`t a spaceship. It`s just a campfire on the hill."
Maria  : "Who is it?"
Felipe : "It`s Tom and Flo. Come on, let`s go!"
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 84

It`s so amazing right? That`s all for this conversation. I hope you can add your new vocabulary on Vocabulary : Space. And improve your reading too in Reading : The Lost Spaceship. That`s enough, bye...bye...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Our Homes

cave house,rumah gua
How interesting this time..!!! Senang sekali Mr Nashrudin bisa ketemu kalian in your expected subject, English right??? He.. Jika pada materi Reading sebelumnya di Unit 2 kita sudah membaca sebuah text Where does Alex live? dengan soal latihannya. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr akan kasih sebuah text is so interesting, nice place in the three countries. Mr bawa kalian ke Spain, China, and Greece. 

OK, to the point aja Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!! 

Our Homes

I`m from small town in Andalucia, Spain. My house is very unusual. It`s cave house. Some people think caves are scary and dark but I think they`re great. There are a lot of nice places to visit in my town. A lot of people go to the beautiful beaches on the weekend. It`s fun to play volleyball on the sand. The old castles near my house are very interesting, too. My favorite is called Velez-Blanco. I love my home.

Alba, 11, Spain

I live in Hong Kong, a very busy place in China. Seven million people live in Hong Kong. It`s very noisy here but it`s never boring. I live on the fortieth floor of a building in Kowloon. It has great views. There`s a sports center behind our apartment. I go there every day to learn taekwondo. There are a lot of shopping malls, restaurants, and museums near my home. The science museum is my favorite. I always learn new and interesting things there. I love Hong Kong!

Chiu-Wai, 12, China

I live on an island in Greece called Paros. I live with my family in a beautiful white house in a village. The island is quite small-just 13,000 people live here. There`s a harbor near our house. My sister and I like going there and watching the boats. We like sailing and sometimes we go fishing with our father. My father loves fishing but he`s not very good! I love living on an island.

Eleni, 12, Greece

It`s so wonderful places, right? Mr yakin kalian ingin sekali berkunjung ketiga tempat tersebut. I wish you can go there next time. OK, itu pelajaran Reading kita kali ini, I hope you can enjoy it. Jangan lupa untuk mengerjakan Latihan Soal Online-nya di Online Task : Our Homes. See you...!!!