Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities


To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE


To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION


We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident


When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people


Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones

Monday, July 30, 2012

Online Task : Wildlife Animal

Hi meet me again guys, how are you today? Fine?? These are some online questions. Kita sudah pelajari Vocabulary : Wildlife Animal. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test,test online
Untuk mempelajari kembali materinya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary. Bye..Bye..!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sing A Song : Good Days & Bad days

bad day,it`s bad day
Sing a song itulah sesi yang ditunggu-tunggu. Sebelumnya di Unit 3, Sing A Song :Where we live? Bad days and good days itulah tema kita di Unit 4. Hayo siapa yang pernah punya pengalaman yang buruk dan unforgetable atau tak terlupakan??? Mr yakin semua dari kalian punya. Apalagi pengalaman yang sangat menyenangkan pasti kalian tak akan pernah bisa melupakan, even you`ll be old some years later. So, in this time Mr will give you a song about Bad days and good days. Are you ready sing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!

Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik  yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)

Unit 4 : Bad days and good days

Chorus :

It was a bad day, it was really bad.

But you smiled at me, now I`m not sad.

I packed my school bag and walked up the street.
I missed the bus, "Ow, my tired feet."
I didn`t pass my test, I was late for class.
My friends said, "Next time, get here fast." 
I opened my lunchbox, and said, "No way!"
I didn`t bring my juice today.

I went to the park and played with a ball.
I kicked it too hard, it went over a wall.
A boy helped me, he didn`t say his name.
We played baseball in the park and enjoyed the game.
I dropped the ball, he said, "That`s OK."
Now he`s my new friend and it was a good day. 
(Reff: Our Discovery Island Book, page 50) 

It`s wonderful right??? Menyenangkan bukan?? So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...   


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Listening : Wildlife Park

Nice to meet you again, my students...!!! Meet me again your English teacher, jika Listening di unit 1 sebelumnya kita telah membahas terkait Camping, Listening : Adventure Camp. Di Unit 2 ini listen some vocabularies banyak terkait ciri-ciri hewan. Right, my students lets listen and say those ones for Unit 2 : Wildlife Park. Seperti biasa lihat gambarnya, then read. Are you ready? Let start now...!!!

Now, Listen and Say...!!!

animal,wild animal,elephant,ant,comparative sentence
Pict. ODY page 26
 Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 24-26
Gimana mudahkan? Mr yakin kalian bisa menirukan cara membacanya. Don`t forget memorize them, oiya ini vocabulary yang nantinya terkait erat dengan materi kita Comparative Sentence. Ok class, I think that`s all for Unit 2, Sing a song :Wildlife Park bisa juga kalian manfaatkan untuk memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris kalian.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Online Task : Adventure Camp

Hello everybody, how are you today? Fine?? These are some online questions. Kita sudah pelajari Vocabulary : Adventure Camp. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test,test online

Untuk mempelajari kembali materinya silahkan [klik sini]

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Comprative Sentence

Nice to meet you again my beloved students...!!! Now we are going to talk about Comparative Sentence. Ok, kita sekarang akan membahas tentang Kalimat Perbandingan. Thus, Comparative berasal dari kata Compare yang artinya "membandingkan". Karena yang kita akan bahas adalah tentang Comparative Sentence, so, berarti kita akan membahas terkait dengan Adjective (Kata Sifat)

Dilihat dari Adj (Kata Sifat) dalam Bhs. Inggris, ada tiga macam Comparative sentence, yaitu : 

1. Comparative Sentence yang terdiri satu / dua suku kata, yang cukup menambahkan -ER dan THE - EST.
    Example : 
       small - smaller - the smallest              
       big - bigger - the biggest
       tall - taller - the tallest
       long - longer - the longest
       short - shorter - the shortest
       high - higher - the highest
       sharp - sharper - the sharpest
       clever - cleverer - the cleverest
       smart - smarter - the smartest

2. Comparative Sentence yang kata sifatnya (Adj) lebih dari 1 suku kata, maka harus menambah MORE danTHE MOST di awal kata sifat tersebut.
    Example :
       handsome - more handsome - the most handsome
       beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful 
3. Comparative Sentence yang berubah secara perkatanya.
    Example : 
       good - better - the best
       bad - worse - the worst

But in this time, Mr tidak akan membahas yang poin 2 dan 3 karena tarafnya baru Sekolah Dasar. Mr akan bahas yang the first point pertama. Are you ready?

Example :

          # Bee is bigger than ant
          # Butterfly is bigger than Bee
          # Butterfly is the biggest than ant and bee

          # Ruler is longer than pencil
          # Pencil case is longer than ruler
          # Pencil case is the longest than pencil & ruler

I think that`s enough, contoh dua aja Mr kira sudah cukup. Karena materi Comparative Sentence ini sangat sederhana dan mudah dipahami.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Sing A Song : Where We Live?

movie theater,bioskop
Lets sing together...!!! Meet me again Mr Nashrudin in Having Fun Time. He.. OK class, to the point aja jika di Unit 2 kemarin sudah Sing A Song : Wildlife Park. Right, Mr yakin kalian sudah menyanyikan lagu bab 2, It was interesting right??? So, today Mr akan kasih kalian lagu terbaru untuk Unit 3, Where we live? Ini terkhusus bagi female students, yang suka shopping. He.. Tapi male students shopping, it`s OK.. Now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!

Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik  yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)

Unit 3 : Where we live?

I want to go to the shopping mall.
Do you want to come with me?
Sorry, I can`t my friend.
I want to go to the shopping mall.
But I have to do other things.

Chorus : 
There are many things I want to do.
But I can`t, my friend. I can`t today.
I have to go to the bookstore.
I have to go to the library.
I have to go to the airport,
to pick up a friend.

I want to go to the movie theater.
Do you want to come with me?
Sorry, I can`t, my friend.
I want to go to the movie theater.
But I have to do other things.

I want to go to the park.
Do you want to come with me?
Sorry, I can`t, my friend.
I want to go to the park.
But I have to do other things.

(Reff: Our Discovery Island Book, page. 38) 

It`s interesting right??? Menyenangkan bukan?? So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...  

Listening : Adventure Camp

Listening time...Hello...! Hello..! Meet me again Mr Nash in English Subject di kelas 6 ini. Kita memakai buku Our Discovery Island, it`s very different sangat berbeda dengan buku sebelumnya. So, langsung saja, We`re going to talk about the firts Unit : ADVENTURE CAMP, yeah we are going to talk about CAMPING. Materi baru maka Mr juga akan tambah Vocab baru. So, in this time Mr will give you some new vocabularies too. Vocab baru beserta cara membacanya. It`s so simple, right...!!!?? OK, are you ready? Let’s start now...!!!

Play the MP3, look the pictures, LISTEN AND SAY...!!!

camping,our discovery island,sleeping bag,flashlight
Pict. ODY Book page 12
 OK, jika yang di atas adalah alat-alat camping in English, maka untuk yang di bawah ini adalah beberapa aktifitas yang biasa dilakukan ketika kita camping. LISTEN AND SAY TOGETHER...!!!

pitch the tent,light a fire,cover head
Pict. ODY Book page 14
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, Page 12 & 14

Sing a song : Adventure Camp can make this study more fun, enjoy it. OK class, I think enough for the first meeting in Listening for Unit 1 : Adventure Camp. Mr harap kalian bisa segera menghafalnya, then make it in the sentences. See you for the next listening in the Unit 2. Bye..Bye..!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Vocabulary : Wildlife Park

Get new vocabulary time my students...!!! Meet me again your English teacher, jika di unit 1 sebelumnya kita telah membahas terkait Camping, Vocabulary : Adventure Camp. Di Unit 2 ini vocabulary-nya banyak terkait ciri-ciri hewan. Right, my students lets listen and say new vocabulary for Unit 2 : Wildlife Park. Seperti biasa lihat gambarnya, then read. Are you ready? Let start now...!!!

Listen and Say.

animal,wild animal,elephant,ant,comparative sentence
Pict. ODY page 26
 Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 24-26
Gimana mudahkan? Mr yakin kalian bisa menirukan cara membacanya. Don`t forget memorize them, oiya ini vocabulary yang nantinya terkait erat dengan materi kita Comparative Sentence. Ok class, I think that`s all for Unit 2, Sing a song :Wildlife Park bisa juga kalian manfaatkan untuk memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris kalian.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vocabulary : Adventure Camp

Hello...! Hello..! Meet me again Mr Nash in English Subject di kelas 6 ini. Kita memakai buku Our Discovery Island, it`s very different sangat berbeda dengan buku sebelumnya. So, langsung saja, We`re going to talk about the firts Unit : ADVENTURE CAMP, yeah we are going to talk about CAMPING. Materi baru maka Mr juga akan tambah Vocab baru. So, in this time Mr will give you some new vocabularies too. Vocab baru beserta gambarnya. It`s so simple, right...!!!?? OK, are you ready? Let’s start now...!!!

Play the MP3, look the pictures, then read. Are you ready? Let start now...!!! Check this out my beloved students..!!!

camping,our discovery island,sleeping bag,flashlight
Pict. ODY Book page 12
 OK, jika yang di atas adalah alat-alat camping in English, maka untuk yang di bawah ini adalah beberapa aktifitas yang biasa dilakukan ketika kita camping. Check this out...!!!

pitch the tent,light a fire,cover head
Pict. ODY Book page 14
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, Page 12 & 14

Sing a song : Adventure Camp can make this study more fun, enjoy it. OK class, I think enough for the first meeting in New Vocabulary for Unit 1 : Adventure Camp. Mr harap kalian bisa segera menghafalnya, then make it in the sentences. See you for the new vocabulary in the Unit 2. Bye..Bye..!!!