Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities


To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE


To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION


We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident


When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people


Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Kisi-kisi Mid Test Semester 1 English & Download Listening Record

How are you student? Fine? Great...!!! Tak terasa sudah tiga bulan kalian belajar di tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Tak terasa pula next week, kalian sudah Ujian Mid Tes Semester I. So, as I said in the classroom that I will give you some clues of materials (Kisi - Kisi) & juga Mr beri kalian beberapa LISTENING RECORD yang bisa kalian pelajari & kalian dengarkan di rumah sebagai latihan. OK class ini dia beberapa materi yang akan kita testkan di Mid Test semester I 2012/2013

·       1. Our Discovery Island book --- Page 6 – 23 atau bisa dibuka di Our Discovery Island site
      2. Love / like +V-ing bisa kalian klik linknya Mr sudah posting di blog ini
·     3. Tobe (am, is,are) + good at + V-ing  bisa kalian klik linknya Mr sudah posting juga di blog ini
·     4. Can / Can`t +V-1 ini juga sudah Mr posting
      5. Vocabulary Unit : Adventure Camp ini juga sudah Mr posting
·     6. Question Sentence (Wh & H- What, Why, Where, Who, How) 
     7. LISTENING RECORD : Ingat setelah kalian KLIK link di bawah ini, kemudia kalian KLIK UNDUH / DOWNLOAD. Kemudian masukkan Verification Code (ada disamping box). Kemudia KLIK DOWNLOAD. Ingat jangan salah yaa...!!! (Bila terjadi buka New window / New tab - keluar saja, krn nanti akan muncul hal yang tadi)
    - Download Record 11 

Happy nice study..!!! Selamat belajar semoga jangan lupa berdo`a. Mr doakan semoga kalian mendapat nilai 100 semua. Wish you luck..!!!!

Can & Can`t + Verb 1

pitch the tent, camping, the tent
Picture : ODY book p.14
Meet me again Mr Nash in my English lesson. Of course, it`s your favorite subject in SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta. And it`s still about  OUR DISCOVERY ISLAND (ODI) book. Right, jika beberapa waktu sebelumnya kita telah membahas materi Like, Love + Verb -ing & To be (am, is, are) + good at + Verb -ing. Mr yakin kalian anak yang hebat sudah memahami dua materi tersebut. Because those are quite simple.In this time, kita akan membahas terkait pemakaian Can & Can`t + Verb -ing

Sebagaimana Mr jelaskan di kelas bahwa Can / Can`t harus diikuti Verb 1, karena Can & Can`t dikategorikan Modal (Can, May, Could). Masih ingatkan terkait Verb 1? Itu lho Verb yang tidak ditambah -S atau -ES atau -IES sebagaimana Mr sudah jelaskan di Simple Present Tense. Right lets go to some examples to get more understood. 

Rumus : Can / Can`t + Verb 1

Example : 

I can read a book, but I can`t read a map
They can swim, but they can`t pitch a tent
Felipe can put in the pegs, and he can light a fire
She can dance, but she can`t sing a song
Tom can read a map, but he can`t read a compass, etc

Gimana mudahkan? Pokoknya apapun kalimatnya jika ada kata Can / Can`t maka harus diikuti Verb 1. OK, I think enough our material today. It`s the simple material.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Vocabulary : Arts and Entertainments

Hi..Hi..!!! Nice to meet you again my students and my friends. Kita bertemu lagi di sesi Find New Vocabulary. OK class, in the last meeting Mr sudah beri 8 kosa kata baru pada materi Unit 5 : Trips. Do you still remember them? Great..!!! Jika di unit-unit sebelumnya ada sing a song-nya, maka pada Unit 6 ini juga ada Sing A Song : Arts and Entertainments. Right, to the point aja my beloved students pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan menghafal nama-nama alat musik dalam bahasa inggris. Yap, there are 8 music instruments. 

Listen to the Mp3 then say together...!!! Are you ready? Check this out...!!!

music instruments,cello,drums,harpa
Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 74

Do you like music? Do you like play music instrument? It`s right time to know you, apakah kalian bisa membedakan setiap bunyi yang dikeluarkan alat-alat musipk di atas. Thank you very much for your attention, nice to me you again in the next meeting...!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sing A Song : Space

space,angkasa,ruang angkasa,planet,universe
Smile up please...!!! He.. Great condition meet you again my beloved students. Do you miss me, Mr Nash? Wow...!!! OK, Class kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. In the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 6 : Arts & Entertainment. Amazing song, right?? Jika di Unit 6 lagunya tentang arts dan hiburan, berbeda di Unit 7 kali ini we`re going to talk about SPACE. Woww....!!! So amazing...!! An alien, planets, comet, stars, moon, etc. Do you wanna be astronaut? Do you wanna drive spaceship? If you like them, here we`re going to sing a song about them. Right, lets sing a song : Space together..!! Are you ready singing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal 

2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik  yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)

Unit 7 : Space

Travel in space is more exciting.
Than travel on Earth below.
It`s more complicated, too, and more frightening.
If you really want to know.

The question is -- think about it,
Do aliens live out there?
And if they do, are they more intelligent.
Than humans everywhere?

I don`t know all the answers.
But one thing I know is true.
That the world is an amazing places.
And it`s just right for me and you, me and you.

(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 86)

It`s so exciting and amazing, right? Wow... OK masih ingin jadi astronot kan? Great..!! OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye... 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Online Task : Trips

Hello class, meet me again with your Englsih teacher, Mr Nashrudin. Right, sebagaimana kita pelajari Vocabulary di Unit 5 : Trips. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr will give you some questions to make sure you are ready to learn in this unit. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test
Untuk mempelajari kembali materinya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary. Bye..Bye..!!!

Listening : Trips

bom bom car, bumper cars
I`m coming..!!! You`re English teacher, Mr Nashrudin. Menambah kosakata Bhs. Inggris dengan Listening. Dengan listening ini Vocab baru tambah, listening juga OK, good...!!! Jika di Unit 4 adalah Listening : Good Days & Bad Days, maka kali ini kita akan menghafal nama-nama tempat permainan yang biasa ada di pasar malam (Night Fair),  karena tema kita adalah Trips. Remind you again to read tema yang terkait di kompetensi Reading, that`s is Our Vacation.

OK class, let`s listen then say together 8 new vocabularies...!!! Listen and say...!!!

Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 62
Nice places, right? Mr yakin kalian sudah naik semua permainan itu, gimana sekarang kalian baru tahu istilah dalam Bahasa Inggrisnya ka? It doesn`t matter. Right, sebelum kita berpisah untuk meeting kita kali ini, Mr saranin buka yang lebih fun ya, di Sing a Song : Trips. That`s enough for today, see you later...!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Speaking : Where we live

hospital,rumah sakit
How beautiful today...!!! Speaking time...!! Mr yakin kalian tambah semangat lagi di Speaking di Unit 2 : Wildlife Park sudah kita simak bersama Hannah, Maria, Flo, Felipe, and Tom yang mengunjungi kebun binatang. Maka pada unit 3 ini kita mereka akan mencari lokasi tempat Flo berada dengan menunjukkan arah lokasi berada. Sampai Maria, Tom, & Felipe kecapekkan karena harus naik tangga. Bagaimana cerita serunya? Let`s listen their conversation...!!!

Maria : " Phew! 450 steps!"
Tom     : "I`m hot now! I want to go swimming! Where`s the swimming poll?
Felipe : "It`s there---near the movie theater."
Maria : "Then we can go to the park, there., opposite the school. But Where`s the swimming pool?"
Tom     : "Look! She`s there---near the park. What`s she doing?"
Felipe : "She`s buying ice cream, too! Come on!"
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 36

Right, that`s our conversation for this meeting. Position place, mencari tempat dengan mendapatkan rute jalan dan ciri-ciri tempat di sekitar tempat yang dicari. Untuk menambah kosakata baru bisa membuka Vocabulary-nya di Vocabulary : Where we live. I think enough for today, see you later on the next unit, Unit 4, bye...!!!

Vocabulary : Trips

bom bom car,bumper cars
I`m coming..!!! You`re English teacher, Mr Nashrudin. New unit means new vocabulary, materi baru berarti kalian akan mendapat kosakata Bahasa Inggris baru alias New Vocabulary. Makin kaya kosakata Bhs. Inggris aja kalian anak-anak level 6 SDII Al-Abidin Surakarta ini, good...!!! Jika di Unit 4 adalah Vocabulary : Good Days & Bad Days, maka kali ini kita akan menghafal nama-nama tempat permainan yang biasa ada di pasar malam (Night Fair). Remind you again to read tema yang terkait di kompetensi Reading, that`s is Our Vacation.

OK class, let`s listen then say together 8 new vocabularies...!!! Listen and say...!!!

Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 62
Nice places, right? Mr yakin kalian sudah naik semua permainan itu, gimana sekarang kalian baru tahu istilah dalam Bahasa Inggrisnya ka? It doesn`t matter. Right, sebelum kita berpisah untuk meeting kita kai ini, Mr saranin buka yang lebih fun ya, di Sing a Song : Trips. That`s enough for today, see you later...!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Online Task : Good Days & Bad Days

Hello class, meet me again with your Englsih teacher, Mr Nashrudin. Right, sebagaimana kita pelajari Vocabulary di Unit 4 : Good Days & Bad Days. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr will give you some questions to make sure you are ready to learn in this unit. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test,e-spesies,soal online

Untuk mempelajari kembali materinya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary. Bye..Bye..!!!

Online Task : Wildlife Animal

How are you today my students? It`s so wonderful time, right? pada kesempatan kali ini Mr will give you some questions to make sure you are ready to learn in the Unit 2 : Wildlife Animal. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
test online

Silahkan dengarkan dengan seksama, then choose the right answer!
Untuk mempelajari kembali materi Listening-nya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary. Bye..Bye..!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sing A Song : Arts & Entertainment

Meet me again Mr Nashrudin on your favorite site E-Species, "make English in your habit". Kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. OK class, in the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 5 : Trips. Nice song?? I know you like it. Jika di Unit 5 lagunya tentang have fun di tempat rekreasi, berbeda di Unit 6 kali ini we`re going to talk about arts and entertainment. Do you like movie? Do you like music? If you like them, here we`re going to sing a song about them. Right, lets sing a song : Arts & Entertainment together..!! Are you ready singing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal 2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik  yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)

Unit 6 : Arts & Entertainment

Chorus :
Did you hear the music last night on the radio? (x2)
I didn`t feel happy. I was so sad.
But the music was great. It made me feel glad.

Yes, I did. Playing funky jazz was a saxophone.
And I loved dancing to it on my own.

No, I didn`t. Was it pop?
Was it rock?
What was it like?
Country music with guitars and violins. It was all right.

Yes, I did. It was kind of music I choose--guitar and harmonica playing the blues.
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 74)

What about this song? It`s more interesting, right? Vocab-nya mudah dihafalkan kan? OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye... 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Listening : Good Days & Bad Days

good,good times
In the last meeting, kita sudah mempelajari Listening for Unit 2 : Where We Live? Masih ingat berapa total Vocab yang sudah kalian hafal sampai Unit 3? Great...!!! Materi tentang camping, animal, public places sudah kita pelajari. OK class, in this time Mr akan memberi beberapa kosakata (Vocabulary) Unit 4 : Good Days & Bad Days.

Langsung saja, ini ada 6 Vocabulary, tapi lebih tepatnya clauses karena terdiri dari lebih satu kata. Right, they are : Listen and Say...!!!

miss the bus,bus,juice
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 50

It`s so simple right? Mudahkan cara membacanya, semudah listening pada unit-unit sebelumnya. Untuk menambah kegembiraan kalian karena sudah tambah 6 New Vocabularies, kalian bisa have fun dulu di Sing A Song : Good Days & Bad Days. That`s all see you later, bye bye...!!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Swimming at Umbul Tlatar

renang, swimming, salto, tlatar, umbul tlatar, sdii al-abidin
Swimming atau renang adalah salah satu agenda kegiatan keluar yang menjadi ciri khas SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta dibanding sekolah - sekolah dasar yang ada di kota bengawan. Di samping untuk menjaga kesehatan anak & para gurunya, ini juga salah satu mengamalkan Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW, "Latihlah anak berenang, berkuda, dan memanah". Satu kali dalm satu semester biasa kita lakukakan. So, ini Mr Nashrudin tampilkan beberapa dokumentasi / foto kegiatan renang di Umbul Tlatar anak - anak yang sekarang duduk di level 6. Selamat menikmati...!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Simple Future Tense

Hello everybody, How are today? Nice to meet you again. Right, kali ini Mr akan membahas tentang Kalimat Simple Future Tense. Kalau kita beberapa hari yang lalu sudah membahas Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense, in this time we are going to talk about Simple Future Tense. Ok everybody are ready? Goood..!!!

pirate ship
Pict. ODY book, p. 63
Future artinya "yang akan datang / masa depan". So, Kalimat Simple Future Tense adalah kalimat yang mengungkapkan sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan datang. Remember please...!!! We use the Simple Future Tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking. Jadi kita memakai Simple Future Tense ketika kita akan melakukan sebuah kegiatan atau aktifitas yang tanpa ada perencanaan sebelumnya, otomatis. Look at these examples...!!!

Example : 
  • Hold on. I'll get a pen.
  • We will see what we can do to help you.
  • Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.
Alright, itu contoh kecil pemakaian Kalimat Simple Future Tense. Lets go to the next level..!! Sebagaimana Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense ada rumusnya, begitu juga di Simple Future Tense.Ini tense menurut Mr adalah tense yang paling mudah ketimbang Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense.

Rumus Simple Future Tense :

Positive        : S + will / shall + V1
Negative      : S + will not / shall not + V1
Interrogative : Will / Shall + S + V1

Cirinya bisa dilihat juga di Adverbial of time (Keterangan Waktu) :
tomorrow, tonight, next week, next month, next year, next time, on Sunday, ...later.

It`s different with Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense. Dimana biasanya ada perubahan Verb (Kata Kerja). But here, positive, negative and interrogative are same, memakai V1.

Rumus : Positive        : S + will / shall + V1

Example :
I will come to your home tomorrow.
They will play foot ball next week.
Chuck will go to International Fair tonight.
She and her sister will buy some fruits 5 minutes later.

It`s quite simple kan? Makanya tetap lanjut? Ok..!!

Rumus : Negative      : S + will not / shall not + V1

Kita masih memakai kalimat yang sama biar kalian tidak confused or bingung.
Example :
I will not come to your home tomorrow.
They will not play foot ball next week.
Chuck will not go to International Fair tonight.
She and her sister will not buy some fruits 5 minutes later.

Note will not = won`t

Sangat mudah sekali kan, hanya menambahkan kata NOT saja setelah WILL.

Rumus : Interrogative : Will / Shall + S + V1

Example :
Will you come to my home tomorrow?  Yes, I will / No, I will not (won`t)
Will they play foot ball next week?    Yes, they will / No, they will not (won`t)
Will Chuck go to International Fair tonight?    Yes, he will / No, he will not (won`t)
Will she and her sister buy some fruits 5 minutes later?    Yes, they will / No, they will not (won`t)

My students, is it easy? Sangat mudah kan.. Makanya seperti Mr sampaikan tadi bahwa Simple Future Tense adalah tense yang paling mudah di antara tense lainnya.. OK,, See you again in other time my beloved students.
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, level 6, page 63)

Vocabulary : Good Days & Bad Days

Enrich Vocabulary time..!!! Meet me again with me Mr Nash in English time. In the last meeting, kita sudah mempelajari Unit 2 : Where We Live? Masih ingat berapa total Vocab yang sudah kalian hafal sampai Unit 3? Great...!!! Materi tentang camping, animal, public places sudah kita pelajari. OK class, in this time Mr akan memberi beberapa kosakata (Vocabulary) Unit 4 : Good Days & Bad Days.

Langsung saja, ini ada 6 Vocabulary, tapi lebih tepatnya clauses karena terdiri dari lebih satu kata. Right, they are : Listen and Say...!!!

miss the bus,bus,juice
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 50

It`s so simple right? Mudahkan, semudah vocabulary pada unit-unit sebelumnya. Untuk menambah kegembiraan kalian karena sudah tambah 6 New Vocabularies, kalian bisa have fun dulu di Sing A Song : Good Days & Bad Days. That`s all see you later, bye bye...!!!