Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities


To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE


To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION


We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident


When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people


Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Online Task : The Environment

Hi.. You look happy this time my students. How are you today my students? Nice to meet you again, meet me again with your Englsih teacher, Mr Nashrudin. Right, jika pada unit sebelumnya kita pelajari Vocabulary di Unit 7 : Space, beserta latihan soalnya. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr will give you some questions to make sure you are ready to learn in the Unit 8 : The Environment. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test,test online

Untuk mempelajari kembali materi Listening-nya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary. Bye..Bye..!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Out Bound level 6 at Parang Ijo Waterfall

out bound, sdii al-abidin, melompat, jump, happy, parang ijo
Out bound adalah salah satu kegiatan atau aktifitas luar yang bertujuan untuk mengetes adrenalin, melatih kekompakan & kerjasama, atau boleh jadi out bound bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepribadian seseorang lebih dalam. Itu boleh jadi makna out bound yang bisa Mr artikan. Tapi apapun tujuan dan arti out bound yang penting Happy... He.. He... Maksudnya kegiatan yang suasananya Having fun. 

Maka Out bound sudah menjadi salah satu agenda kegiatan luar anak SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta sekali setiap tahunnya. So, kali ini Mr akan tampilkan kegiatan Out bound level 6 di air terjun Parang Ijo, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar. The students are very happy.. Right.. Enjoy it...!!!
They are very happy, ini bisa terlihat dari wajah-wajah mereka. Right.. Happy nice watching your photos..!!!

Read more:
They are very happy, ini bisa terlihat dari wajah-wajah mereka. Right.. Happy nice watching your photos..!!!

Read more:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Speaking : Trips

water slide
How are you today my students? Are you fine? Good. Meet me again in English subject with your handsome teacher. He..He.. And still with Our Discovery Island Book, Speaking untuk Unit 4 : Good days & Bad days sudah kalian simak bersama, yang menceritakan Tom yang membuat makan malam yang sampai gagal total. Right, we leave that unit. We are going to the next unit, that is unit 5 : Trips. In this conversation; Hannah, Maria, Flo, Tom, and Felipe had experiences when visit some wonderful places. Bagaimana cerita serunya? Mari kita simak bersama-sama...!!!
Did they enjoy today?
Hannah : "Hi! Did you enjoy the trip today? Didi you like the palace?
Flo        : "Yes, I did. It was great."
Tom      : "Yes, I`ll write about the palace for my history homework."
Hannah : "Good idea, Tom. Here are four tickets for the amusement park tomorrow."
--------- : "Maria, how about you? What did you do today?"
Maria    : "I went to the palace, and the museum was really interesting."
--------- : "Hi, Felipe. We`re planning tomorrow now. What will you do at the amusement park?"
Felipe    : "I think I`ll go on the water slide first."
Tom       : "Yeah, me too!"
 Reff : Our Discovery Island book, page 60

Wow, it`s so wonderful places. Itu tadi percakapan mereka dalam rangka liburan mereka in the amusement park. Untuk menunjang materi di Unit 5 ini jangan lupa buka Vocabulary : Trips and Reading-nya. OK, I think that`s all today, see you in the next meeting..!!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Online Task : Our School Trip (Listening)

Well.. Well.. Meet with me again my students, your English teacher, Mr Nash. Sudah kita pelajari beberapa kosakata Listening pada Unit : Trips. So, kesempatan kali ini Mr will give you some questions to make sure you are ready to learn in that material. Don`t forget fulfill your name, your class, and your number. Then Click "Start - Continue". Choose one of the choice answers that you think the right answer. Good luck...!!! Let`s do it..!!!
online test,test online
Untuk mempelajari kembali materi Listening-nya silahkan [klik sini]. See you again in the next online task of vocabulary too. Bye..Bye..!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Outing Class Social_Citizenship at Bale Kambang Tawangmangu

sdii al-abidin, outing class Pkn-Sosial, taman balekambang
Setelah beberapa saat kegiatan belajar berada di dalam kelas, maka Outing Class adalah kegiatan keluar yang paling disukai dan diminati anak-anak SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta. Di pagi yang cerah anak-anak level 6 (Ammar, Salman, Aisyah, & Hafshah) menuju Taman Bale Kambang, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar untuk mengikuti Outing Class Social Pkn. Di sana anak-anak diberi tugas berkelompok menggambar negara-negara Asia Tenggara dengan dilengkapi kenampakan darat. Setelah itu dimasukkan kedalam album sehingga menjadi hasil karya anak yang sangat menarik.

Maka di sini Mr akan tampilkan buat kalian anak-anak SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta, khususnya anak-anak level 6, dan pengunjung blog Kang Guru beberapa dokumentasi kegiatan tersebut. Happy nice look that..!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Outing Class MIPA at Gembira Loka

gembira loka zoo, Sdii al-abidin, outing class
Setelah beberapa saat kegiatan belajar berada di dalam kelas, maka Outing Class adalah kegiatan keluar yang paling disukai dan diminati anak-anak SDII AL-ABIDIN Surakarta. Di pagi yang cerah anak-anak level 6 (Ammar, Salman, Aisyah, & Hafshah) menuju Gembira Loka Zoo, Yogyakarta untuk mengikuti Outing Class MIPA.

Inilah beberapa kegiatan Outing Class Matematika_IPA level 6 SDII AL-ABIDIN di GEMBIRA LOKA Yogyakarta on Wednesday, October 31st, 2012 yang bisa kami dokumentasikan. Happy nice looking the images..