Some students can`t receive theory of knowledge. They need practice in real activities


To be success, they must have high motivation, high spirit, high dream, and NO SUCCESS WITHOUT STRUGGLE


To make them can speak English fluently sometime we need NEW SETTING and CONDITION


We make have high adrenalin. Outbound is one way to make them be more brave and confident


When we give them chance and time to be their selves. They can be unique people


Should be appreciated what they have done. They can find the new ones

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Simple Past Tense

image : ODY book page 50
Kalau kemarin Mr sudah membahas tentang Simple Present Tense. Maka untuk kali ini Mr akan membahas Simple Past Tense. Remember kalau Simple Present Tense adalah untuk kejadian yang sifatnya rutinitas atau berulang - ulang, maka untuk Simple Past Tense adalah sebuah kalimat yang digunakan untuk peristiwa yang sudah berlalu. Karena apa anak-anak? Karena kata "Past" itu sendiri artinya "Lampau / Sudah berlalu". 

Ini bisa terlihat jelas di Kata keterangan waktunya (ADV). Di antaranya adalah; yesterday, ...ago, last night, last Sunday, last month, last year, & this morning. So, itu secara tidak langsung adalah sebagai ciri - cirinya juga untuk membedakan dengan tenses yang lainnya.

OK, kita langsung ke materi.. Are you ready...???!!! Lets go...!!!

Sebelum masuk ke rumus yang perlu dingat adalah di Simple Past Tense kita memakai V2. Here, there are two kids of V2, ada 2 macam V2:

Regular Verb : yaitu Verb yang tinggal ditambah -ED or -IED di akhir kata kerja (Verb)
Example : 
cooked, dropped, paddled, visited, cleaned, played, invited, studied, walked, talked, looked, listened, watched, washed, etc. 
Ini aja ya? Kalau Mr catat semua bisa - bisa penuh nich satu halaman.

Irregular Verb : yaitu Verb yang dia berubah total, maksudnya berubah pengejaannya (spelling) & juga cara membacanya (pronunciation)
Example :
go - went          take - took         drink - drank          buy - bought
eat - ate            come - came       see - saw               make - made
put - put            break - broke     get - got                 bring - brought
give - gave         find - found        win - won            speak - spoke
fall - fell

Rumus Past Tense :
Positive     : S + V2
Negative   : S + did not + V1
Interrogative : Did + S + V1

Kalau di Simple Present Tense kita menegenal DO & DOES, kalau di Simple Past Tense kita hanya mengenal DID dan ini dipakai untuk semua ya... (I, They, You, He, She, It, Toni, Sinta).

Rumus Past Tense sulit? Nggak juga.. Lets continue..!!

INGAT : V2 hanya dipakai di kalimat POSITIF saja. (Rumus : Positif     : S + V2). Untuk Negatif dan Interrogative memakai V1.

Rumus : Positive     : S + V2
Example : I cooked stew last night (Saya memasak stew tadi malam)
                 He dropped the plate yesterday (Dia (lk) menjatuhkan piring kemarin)
                 Toni came to your home 3 days ago (Toni datang ke rumahku 3 hari yang lalu)

It`s so quite simple, right? Mudahkan? yang penting kalian hafal perubahan Verb nya. OK, sebelum melanjutkan ke Negative & Interrogative INGAT V2 hanya dipakai di kalimat Posiitive.

Kalau boleh Mr melogika cooked adalah (did + cook), dropped (did + drop), came (did + come), etc

Rumus : Negative   : S + did not + V1
Ingat Negative artinya TIDAK

Biar nggak tambah bingung Mr masih memakai kalimat sebelumnya;

I did not cook stew last night                           Note : Did not = Didn`t
She did not drop the plate yesterday
Toni did not come to your home 3 days ago

Ok, lets see together..!!  Sebagaimana di kalimat Positive Verb = cooked adalah did + cook, dikarenakan did keluar dan bergabung menjadi did not (didn`t) maka secara otomatis yang tadinya di positive cooked berubah menjadi cook. Dan begitu pula dropped & came...

Do you understand?  Good..!!

Rumus : Interrogative : Did + S + V1

Example : Mr masih memakai kalimat yang sama biar kalian tidak confused..

Did you cook stew last night? Yes, I did / No, I did not (didn`t)
(Kenapa yang tadinya I kemudian berubah menjadi You? Ya iyalah... Masa kita menanyakan hal ke diri kita sendiri? kan nggak lucu... He..He..) next...

Did she drop the plate yesterday? Yes, she did / No, she did not (didn`t)
Did Toni come to your home 3 days ago? Yes, he did / No, he did not (didn`t)

So far any questions? No, I think.. It`s quite simple kan?
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, level 6 page 49)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary : Where We Live?

where,where are you
Hello my students, how are you today? I hope you always be fine. In the last meeting, kita sudah memberi beberapa vocabulary unit 2 tentang Wildlife Park. Mr yakin kalian sudah menghafalnya, don`t forget pelajari juga Readingnya ya. Right, untuk Unit 3 kita akan membahas tentang lokasi tempat umum (Public Places) dan tempat-tempat yang biasa kita kunjungi.

As usual, look the pictures while listening MP3, now listen and say...!!!

Pict. ODY Book, page 36
Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 36-38

What about these vocabularies? It`s so simple right? Mr yakin kalian mudah mengingatnya. Apalagi jika ditambah lagunya yang keren habis di Sing A Song : Where We Live? Good boy..!!! OK class, I think that`s enough for this meeting. I hope you always enjoy it and nice to meet you in the next meeting. Bye.. Bye..!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Speaking : Wildlife Park

Hi...Hi... Welcome back again in English time. Of course, still with me Mr Nashrudin. Speaking for Unit 1 : Adventure Camp has passed. We`re going to the second unit, that is "Wildlife Park". Huuuu... Takut..!!! Don`t worry and don`t be afraid, though kita dalam bab ini kita akan membahas terkait Wild Animal alias binatang liar. Right, langsung saja kita simak bersama percakapan kelima teman kita; Hannah, Maria, Flo, Felipe, and Tom in the Wildlife Park, the Zoo. Listen the MP3 then speak together...!!!
Hannah : "What did you learn today?".
Felipe   : "We were with the cheetahs. They were really fast!"
Tom      : "Cheetahs are the fastest animals on earth."
Maria   : "I was with snakes. They were really long. On of them is the longest type of snake in the world!."
Flo       : "I was with  the elephant."
Felipe  : "Cool! How big was it?"
Flo       : "Really big, and heavy ... it`s 3,000 kilograms! And it was really naughty!"
 Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page : 24
Itu tadi beberapa pengalaman kelima teman kita yang telah mengunjungi kebun binatang. Mereka menceritakan ciri-ciri binatang yang mereka temui; fast, the fastest, long, the longest, big, and heavy. Karena pada Unit 2 ini kita juga akan membahas tentang Comparative Sentence. Right, itu tadi percakapan speaking pada bab kita kali ini. Untuk kosa kata baunya bisa kalian pelajari di Vocabulary : Wildlife Animal. That`s all for today than you very much, see you again in the next Speaking. Bye..Bye...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where does Alex live?

pulau sark
Wow.. Wow.. Happy time...!!! Why we must happy this time, because you meet me again Mr Nash in English subject. Mr yakin kalian sudah tidak sabar lagi melanjutkan materi kita. Jika sebelumnya di Unit 3 : Where we live? sudah diawali dengan sebuah lagu yang sangat rancak Sing A Song : Where We Live? Mr yakin kalian sudah hafal itu lagu, and sering menyanyikannya; Mr tahu lho..!!! 

But now is Reading time..!! Jika di Unit sebelumnya ada Reading : Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!. So that in this time sebagaimana materi Unit 3 adalah Where we live? Mr Nash akan memberikan Reading Text entitle "Where does Alex live?".

Are you ready? Lets read this reading text by listening the MP3 below...!!!
Where does Alex live?

Hi Sun-kwan,
I`m writing to you because I want to have an online friend in a big city!
I love sending emails to friends.

sark island,pulau sark
I live in a village on Sark. Sark is a very small British island, near France. Only 600 people live on Sark. I`m happy here because my family and friends are here. I love school, too. There`s only one school on Sark and we sometimes play sports but often there aren`t many people to make teams.

The beaches here are very clean and they`re very quiet. There are two banks but there aren`t any shopping malls on the island. We have to go by boat for an hour to another island to go shopping! On Sark, there isn`t an airport and there aren`t any cars. We ride our bikes everywhere. It`s really quiet here.

I want to make new friends from different places. Do you like living in Seoul?

Please email me soon. I want to know about your life in a big city!

Alex                     (Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, p. 40)

So wonderful place, right?? Itulah tempat tinggal Alex. Bagaimana do you understand? It`s so simple reading text. Jika sudah lancar dan paham maksudnya maka sekarang coba kerjakan soal latihan di Online Task : Where does Alex life? Ok, I think enough for this time, see you later.. Bye..Bye..

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Online Task : Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!

Hi.. How wonderful you`re, my students..!! Bagaimana masih selalu have fun in English. Great..!! Jika di materi Reading kita sebelumnya adalah about animal, yes wild animal. Mr yakin you`ve studied Cool Camouflage for Chameleons! And Mr yakin kalian sudah baca itu teksnya sampai-sampai kalian hafal di luar kepala.. He.. He.. It doesn`t mean you lose it. Right, untuk menguji apakah kalian sudah benar-benar paham atau belum materi Reading: Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!, Mr akan cek kalian dengan 10 latihan soal (Online Task). 

OK class, as usual there are 10 questions, but it`s TRUE & FALSE question. Benar atau Salah 10 peryataan berikut. Are you ready??? Check it out..!!
Can you answer the questions? Mr yakin jawaban kalian betul semua. But if you still don`t understand alias kok masih banyak yang salah jawabannya silahkan buka lagi materinya di Cool Camouflage for Chameleons! Right, Mr kira cukup soal latihan kita pada kesempatan meeting kita kali ini. Please wait in the next questions...!!! Bye..Bye...!!!

Reff : Our Discovery Island, Student Book, p. 29

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!

Right, meet me again, Mr Nash in English subject. How is your condition in this time? Bagaimana kabarnya? So amazing kan? Mr harap seperti itu. Ok Class, to the point aja.. Jika di materi Reading kita sebelumnya sudah membahas : Where was Flo yesterday? beserta juga latihan soalnya. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr Nash akan memberi materi Reading untuk Unit 2 : Wildlife Park.
Are you ready? Lets read this reading text by listening the MP3 below...!!!

Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!

Interesting Fact : Chameleon means "small lion" but they are cousins of the lizard.
Size : They are sometimes smaller than your finger. Some are longer than your arm! Females are often smaller than males.
Body : They have very long tongues and their feet have claws. They are very good at climbing.
Color : Chameleons are very clever-they use color to show how they feel or to hide. They can change color when they are nervous, scared, hot, or cold. A panther chameleon turns red when it is angry.
Places : A lot of chameleons live in Madagascar in Africa. Some live in India, too. They like hot, dry places.
Food : Chameleons eat insects and they are good at catching flies with their long tongues. Meller`s chameleons are big chameleons and they also eat small birds.

(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book - Student Book, page 29)

Gimana is it quite simple, right? Mr yakin kalian sudah sangat fluently alias lancar dan fasih. Jika sudah lancar dan fasih maka sekarang coba kerjakan soal latihan di Cool Camouflage for Chameleons! Task.

Don`t forget mampir having fun dulu di Sing A Song :  Wildlife Park, Mr yakin kalian akan semakin suka dengan Bhs Inggris. Is it right??? Hee.. He...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Online Task : Simple Present Tense

catch,cath ball,sdii al-abidin
Image : Suoerkids books
Nice to meet you again in my lesson in this time.. Hello do you still remember about Simple Present Tense? Great...!!! Mr senang sekali jika kalian masih ingat yang sudah Mr ajarkan tentang materi ini beberapa waktu lalu. But I`m still not sure.. He.. He.. Untuk membuktikannya coba kalian kerjakan 10 latihan soal di bawah ini.

Choose the right answer then "submit"(Kanan Bawah)...!!! Are ready?

It`s simple..!!? Mudahkan??? Mr yakin score kalian 100 semua. But jika masih confused alias bingung bisa kalian buka lagi materinya Simple Present Tense.

Where was Flo Yesterday?

reading,reading together,read,reads,membaca
Hi.. Class?? Nice to meet you. Mr senang sekali bisa bertemu kalian lagi kali ini. Pada kesempatan ini Mr akan beri kalian Reading. Please read Flo`s letter by listening the MP3 below..!!! 

Read. Where was Flo Yesterday?

Dear Mom,
How are you? It`s our second day at adventure camp and we`re having a great time. We have some new friends, too-they`re from Spain and Mexico. They`re teaching me Spanish, but I`m not very good at it!

Our first night was great. There was a big dinner to welcome everyone and there were songs by the campfire. After the campfire we went to bed. At night our tent was cold, but it was warm in the sleeping bag.

Today, we`re walking to a wildlife park that`s next to the camp.

Here`s a photo of me with my friends and a photo of last night`s campfire.

Love to you and Dad,

Flo                                                  Dikutip : Our Discovery Island - Student Book Page 16

It`s so quite simple, right?? Mudahkan? Mr yakin kalian sudah sangat fluently alias lancar dan fasih. Jika sudah lancar dan fasih maka sekarang coba kerjakan soal latihan di Activity 12 di bawah ini :
It`s very simple right??? Gampang kan?? OK class, I think enough for Reading material today.  Don`t forget mampir having fun dulu di Sing A Song : Adventure Camp , Mr yakin kalian akan semakin suka dengan Bhs Inggris. Is it right??? Hee.. He..Nice to meet you on the next meeting. Bye..Bye...!!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

want / wants to & have / has to

i want to, want to, to infinitive
Hello class? Nice to meet you again in English. Right, kali ini Mr akan menjelaskan pada kalian terkait pemakaian kata WANT/WANTS TO & HAVE/HAS TO. Sebenarnya jika you sudah paham tentang Simple Present Tense maka secara tidak langsung kalian paham materi ini. Bedanya di materi kita kali ini (want/wants to & have/has to) disebut to invinitive atau kata kerja (Verb) yang membutuhkan kata kerja (Verb) lagi, yakni V1. Coba perhatikan rumus di bawah ini..!!


want / wants to + V1
have / has to + V1

NOTE : Ingat rumus They, We, I, You (dewi ayu) tidak mau -s & He, She, It mau -s

Do you remember? Itu lho yang sudah Mr bahas di Simple Present Tense. Great..!!
Berarti bisa kita terapkan di WANT/WANTS TO & HAVE/HAS TO juga;

want to / have to ---> itu untuk Pronoun They, We, I, You

Example : I want to go to the park.
                 They want to come to the library.
                 You have to go to the airport.
                 We have to play football.

have to / has to ---> itu untuk Pronoun He, She, It

Example : She wants to go to the dentist.
                 He has to do his homework.
                 Flo wants to go to the shopping mall.

OK, class.. Do you understand now? Mr yakin kalian sudah paham karena ini sama penggunaannya di Simple Present Tense

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Speaking : Adventure Camp

Hi class, meet me again in English subject in level 6. Our Discovery Island Book adalah buku yang kita pakai di tahun ini. OK, langsung saja pada meeting pertama ini kita akan membahas sebuah tema tentang Camping alias Berkemah. But, in this time kita akan menyimak Speaking-percakapan (Conversation) terkait persiapan sebelum kita Camping. Are you ready? Listen and Speak together...!!!

Hannah : "Hi, I`m Hannah. Welcome to this summer`s adventure camp. OK, I can see your sleeping bags, but who has tent, poles, and pegs?".
Tom      : "I have the tent, Felipe has the poles, and Maria has the pegs".
Flo        : "I have a big flashlight and four compasses".
Hannah : "OK. Let`s pitch the tent and make a campfire".
Flo        : "Great!".
Hannah : "This is the week`s schedule. There`s lots to so".
                                                                                                      Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 12
OK Class, itu tadi percakapan mereka sebelum Camping, terkait Vocabulary-nya bisa kalian pelajari lengkapnya di Vocabulary : Adventure Camp. That`s all for this meeting see you in the next Speaking time again, don`t forget keep speaking with your friends though little say..!!!

Simple Present Tense

study english,speaking,english practice,international fair,sdii al-abidin,belajar,belajar bersama
Hello class.. How are you today? In the last meeting kita telah membahas tentang Comprative Sentence. Do you understand? Mr yakin kalian sudah paham materi di Unit 1 itu. Right, Saat ini Mr akan membahas Present Tense atau Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian, kegiatan, aktivitas dan sebagainya yang terjadi saat ini. Present Tense juga bisa digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu fakta / kejadian, atau sesuatu yang tejadi berulang-ulang dimasa KINI. Ingat, PRESENT artinya adalah kini, sekarang.

Sebelum masuk ke rumus yang perlu diingat di Simple Present Tense ada perbedaan dalam pemakaian Kata Kerja (Verb), biasanya dengan symbol (V). Di Simple Present Tense  ada 3 Verb yang dipakai; V1, Vs, atau Ves

V1 --- They, We, I, You (Atau untuk lebih mudah diingat “THEY-WE-I-YOU tidak mau ES” plesetan dari kalimat “DEWI AYU tidak mau ES”
Vs atau Ves --- He, She, It & Nama Orang Ke-3 tunggal (Ani, Ayu, Toni, dst) (Untuk lebih mudah diingat “HE-SHE-IT tidak mau ES”)

Di INGAT juga untuk membedakan dengan tenses yang lain ada cirinya untuk Simple Present Tense. Ini bisa dilihat di kata keterangan waktu (ADV) ; usually, often, sometimes, never, everyday, every morning, every night, every month, every year)

Positif             : S + V1 (s/es)
Negatif            : S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Tanya             : DO/DOES + S + V1

Kalimat Positif Present Tense

I eat fried chicken
She eats fried chicken
We eat fried chicken
You go to Jakarta
He goes to Jakarta
They go to Jakarta
Untuk You & They tidak bisa “goes”, mengapa? Sebagaimana di awal sudah kita jelaskan tadi.
Tetapi yang ini malah tambah ES:
He goes to Jakarta (tambah ES). 
INGAT : Rumus HE-SHE-IT mau ES & THEY-WE-I-YOU tidak mau ES

Kalimat Negatif Present Tense

Rumusnya :
Negatif            : S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1

simple present tense, study english, english is fun, suka inggris, do, does
Bentuk Negatif, artinya menyatakan TIDAK. Maka sesuai rumus Present Tense, setelah SUBJECT ditambah DO atau DOES, baru NOT, lalu tambah kata kerja bentuk pertama tanpa S atau ES lagi. Anak – anak tentunya bertanya - tanya S atau ES nya dimana? Sudah di doES tadi.

Untuk THEY-WE-I-YOU karena tidak mau ES maka memakai DO
Untuk SHE, HE, IT, Toni, Ani karena mau ES maka memakai DOES

I do not eat fried chicken                    NB: do not = don`t
She does not eat fried chicken                    does not = doesn`t
We do not eat fried chicken 

Coba perhatikan She does not eat fried chicken. Eat nya tidak pake S lagi, pindah ke doES. Tidak bingungkan? So pasti anak-anak level 5 pinter-pinter. Yes, belajar bahasa Inggris kalian tak boleh manja, harus aktif, baru akan bisa. OK?

Kalimat Tanya Present Tense

Kalimat tanya untuk Present Tense sesuai rumus diatas, atau Mr tulis lagi seperti ini:
Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1

INGAT : Rumus HE-SHE-IT mau ES & THEY-WE-I-YOU tidak mau ES Contohnya begini:

Kalimat positifnya: I eat fried chicken
Kalimat tanya menjadi: DO you eat fried chicken?
Kalimat positif: She eats fried chicken
Kalimat tanya: DOES She eat fried chicken?

Kenapa pada kalimat DOES She eat fried chicken? Eat-nya tidak memakai S? Ingat di awal S-nya sudah pindah ke doeS

Simple kan? Ya kan? hehe.. Kalau kalian sering mempraktekannya ini sehari-hari maka tentu saja akan terasa lebih mudah.

Ok, begitu dulu pelajaran Present Tensenya kali ini Mr kira that`s enough, semoga kalian paham. Untuk pertanyaan bisa kalian ketik komen di bawah ini. Thank you very much, kalian telah setia mengikuti pelajaran Mr tentang Simple Present Tense kali ini. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Sing A Song : Trips

carousel,trips,our discovery island
Hi..Hi..!!! Nice to meet you again my students and my friends. Kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. OK class, in the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 4 : Good days and bad days. Gimana lagunya rancak kan?? I know you like it. Jika di Unit 4 lagunya tentang pengalaman buruk (bad days), berbeda di Unit 5 kali ini kita akan mengunjungi nice places. Because in Unit 5 talks about TRIPS. Right, lets sing a song : Trips together..!! Are you ready sing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!

Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik  yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)

Unit 5 : TRIPS 

We went to an amusement park yesterday.
A special treat for my brother`s birthday.
Did you like the Ferris wheel, going up high?
Yes, I did! Because I can fly!

Did you like the carousel with horses of gold?
No, we didn`t! The horses were small and we`re too old!
Did you like the bumper cars then, fun and fast?
No, we didn`t! Our car was slow and we were late.

So what rides did you like? Did you enjoy your trip?
Did you like the miniature golf and the pirate ship?
Yes, and we loved the roller coaster, it was so quick.
We went on it ten times and now we feel sick!

(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 62)  

What about this song? It`s more interesting, right? Vocab-nya mudah dihafalkan kan? OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...